Artists: Max Frey, Daniel Hafner, Mathias Janko und Tanja Schantl
14.April 2010 bis 22.Juni 2010 Next Andrä - Graz
Die Ausstellungsbeiträge zu WahrHeitNehmen befassen sich mit Bewusstsein und mit Kommunikation inspiriert von Paul Watzlawicks Diktum, dass man „nicht nicht kommunizieren“ könne. Jede Wahrnehmung provoziert Kommunikation, indem sie unmittelbar eine Reaktion, eine „Antwort“ hervorruft.
The different installations deal with awareness and communication. The viewer perceives a situation and tries to become aware of it with, inter alia, nonverbal communication. Using these technical devices encourages the viewer to stray away from his usual mental thought process and instead strive for a greater understanding. This therefore means that „right“ answer is not always sought out. According to Paul Watzlawick, who is the inspiration behind the issue in this thesis, „You can’t NOT communicate“. Communication arises as soon as a person perceives somebody or something, because any conduct has a communicative character. You’re forced to communicate, because you can’t NOT behave.